أداة تغيير حجم الصورة الأصلية عبر للإنترنت
PicResizeاقتصاص بسهولة, تغيير الحجم وتعديل صورك مجاناً عبر الأنترنت عن طريق 287,501,734 تم تقديم الصورة!
Resize multiple images at once
Batch resize multiple pictures at the same time, come back when the job is done
Resize multiple pictures nowUse the free batch resize feature from PicResize for your entire album
Adjust the size and aspect ratio of your photos. Edit your pictures for a YouTube cover or thumbnail, Instagram profile or post, Facebook cover or profile, and Linkedin profile.
Upload the pictures you want to resize
Click the 'Start Now' button below and choose one or more images from your device to upload.
Choose a desired size for all your images
Select a preset or custom size to resize all of your images to.
Save, download, and share your image
You can optionally resize or add special effects. Download and save your image when done.