
PicResize在线免费轻松为你的图像进行裁剪, 调整大小, 以及编辑 。 290,016,826 张图片已处理

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Convert from JPG to PNG format

You can easily convert and save your images in a new file format

Convert JPG to PNG now

Save and download your image in many file formats at PicResize

When you are done editing your picture at PicResize, you can use the Save As feature to choose your desired image file format (JPG, GIF, PNG, or BMP)

Convert from JPG to PNG format
  1. 1
    Upload the picture you want to edit

    Click the 'Start Now' button below and choose an image from your device to upload.

  2. 2
    Crop, rotate, flip your photo

    Make a selection or choose a crop template. Crop, rotate, flip with one click.

  3. 3
    Save, download, and share your image

    You can optionally resize or add special effects. Download and save your image when done.

Ready to convert from JPG to PNG for free?