Internetin alkuperäinen kuvien muokkaustyökalu

Rajaa, muuta kuvien kokoa ja muokkaa kuvia helposti ILMAISEKSI PicResizen avulla. 286,586,033 kuvat tallennettu!

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Usein kysytyt kysymykset

  1. What is and does it cost anything? PRICING
  2. How do I edit a picture on my computer? HOW-TO
  3. How do I edit a picture on my web site? HOW-TO
  4. Which image formats does PicResize accept? FILETYPE
  5. What is the maximum file size that I can upload to PicResize? UPLOAD
  6. How do I resize my picture to a specific pixel size? HOW-TO
  7. Can I shrink the file size of my picture file? FILESIZE
  8. What happens to my picture after I am done resizing? PRIVACY

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