Najstarsze Narzędzie Internetowe do Zmiany Rozmiaru Obrazu
Z łatwością kadruj, zmieniaj rozmiar i edytuj swoje obrazy online za DARMO z PicResize. 291,553,349 obsłużonych obrazów!
Help Center
If you are unable to find your answer below, please contact us at
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is and does it cost anything? PRICING
- How do I edit a picture on my computer? HOW-TO
- How do I edit a picture on my web site? HOW-TO
- Which image formats does PicResize accept? FILETYPE
- What is the maximum file size that I can upload to PicResize? UPLOAD
- How do I resize my picture to a specific pixel size? HOW-TO
- Can I shrink the file size of my picture file? FILESIZE
- What happens to my picture after I am done resizing? PRIVACY